Owner Services

iManapro handles every aspect of managing a rental property, so you don't have to.

Zero Headaches

In managing over $50 million worth of real estate in Southeast Florida, iManapro.com has a proven, positive track record of success. To you, this means you can leave all the headaches to us, knowing that we manage properties all the way from Miami to West Palm Beach.

Virtual Statements

As an owner, you will receive monthly PDF financial statements, and you will also have access to these statements through your owner login on our website. We believe by providing you with 100% transparency, you’ll feel good about your real estate investment without having to be directly involved.

Auto Pay

Tenants also love being able to submit work orders online, and almost all tenants pay their rent online through our website. At the end of the month, your money is automatically wired into your bank account of choice at no extra charge. It simply could not be any easier.

Higher Return on Investment (ROI)

With iManapro.com’s services, you’ll also achieve a much higher return on your investment:

With our online marketing, you’ll have less vacancies and more money in your pocket.

With our flat $150 monthly management fee versus a variable rent-based fee, you’ll spend less money and solely benefit from all rent increases.

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Our History

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iManapro.com is the tradename for SuperiorFloridaManagement.com, Inc., which was founded in 2012. iManapro.com was initially founded on the premise that it would be a company that would exclusively manage and rent investment properties that had been purchased by Scandinavians through its parent company iSella.com.

However, since 2012, iManapro.com has expanded its client base and now manages and rents investment properties for local and international investors alike, all the way from Miami to West Palm Beach.

We work closely together with other real estate brokerage firms that do not have a property management division. By partnering with other real estate brokerage firms, we have been able to grow our property management base, while offering outside agents a vehicle to more easily market and sell many of the great real estate investments that can be found in Southeast Florida. No matter what agency a real estate agent belongs to, we can assure them that their clients’ properties will be professionally managed, thus allowing them to focus on marketing and brokering real estate. It is a win-win scenario!


To be a leader in any industry today, you must be and stay in the in the forefront of technology. We have invested in a property management and accounting solution that we believe offers the most benefits to you.

Customer Service

We truly pride ourselves in having a paperless office where any information about your property can be found and retrieved within seconds. All documents and contracts are scanned, encrypted, and filed electronically in a state-of-art data center.


You can be assured that we will effectively market your property to fill any vacancy quickly. Our powerful syndication platform distributes your listings to a multitude of high traffic housing search engines and classified websites.


We make it easy for you. With automatic ACH payments to your bank account every month, there is no need for you to go anywhere. It simply could not be any easier.

Property Maintenance

With our solution, any property maintenance issue is swiftly addressed. Our tenants can report maintenance and repair issues through our website or by telephone, and work orders are electronically entered and submitted to our vendors.

Monthly Statements

As an owner, you will receive monthly statements by email every month. You will also be able to access your monthly statements at any time that is convenient to you through an owner login on our website. In these statements, you’ll be able to view rental payments from your tenants, repairs, monthly maintenance fees, our management fee, disbursements to your bank account, and any other transaction that pertains to your investment property. To learn how to read an actual monthly owners statement, click here.